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Реплей Starcraft 2
01.01.1601 02:44:58
doesnt matter
01.01.1601 02:44:55
so one loss more or less
01.01.1601 02:44:48
i think you have 50% winrate
01.01.1601 02:44:29
aborted fuckin retard teran piece of shit
01.01.1601 02:44:19
after u failed cr
01.01.1601 02:44:15
just letting u expand everywhere
01.01.1601 02:44:06
look at this retard
01.01.1601 02:44:02
turtle piece of shit retard in my team
01.01.1601 02:41:42
this aborted retard don`t deserve this win
01.01.1601 02:41:41
he is gay i think
01.01.1601 02:41:31
i should get out and let u win
01.01.1601 02:41:23
01.01.1601 02:41:17
kill this pylon?
01.01.1601 02:41:08
01.01.1601 02:41:05
played with
01.01.1601 02:41:01
useless fuckin aborted retard teran ever